Saturday, April 10, 2010

Employment Practices Liability Tip

Employment Practices Liability Tip

The best way for employers to prepare for, and hopefully reduce, any potential employee lawsuit is to create corporate responsibility standards and programs and effectively communicate such standards and programs to employees of all levels. Every company should have written policies and procedures which include a mission statement, acceptable standards of conduct, anti-harassment/discrimination policies, a code of ethics, and a corporate compliance program.

Employers should strive to create a working environment where employees are encouraged to alert management to potential problems and participate in investigations without fear of retaliation. Ensuring consistent administration of policies and responding appropriately and promptly once a complaint is made are the best ways to prevent retaliation claims. Management should reassure the employee lodging the complaint or participating in the investigation that he or she will suffer no retaliation as a result.

For Questions & Quotes
Jason @ 714-988-3325