Friday, January 28, 2011

Is Buying A Condo For My College Student A Smart Move?

Ask the Experts: Is Buying A Condo For My College Student A Smart Move?

When parents estimate the amount of money they'll be spending on dorm rooms and off-campus apartments for the next several years, it's easy to see why many parents like the idea of buying a condo for their college student. But, assuming your child is responsible enough to take care of such a property, whether it makes financial sense to do so depends on several factors.

Recouping Costs: The costs of owning the condo, minus any rent paid by roommates, should be less than what you would pay for a dorm or apartment over the same time period. Costs may include a mortgage (including points and fees), property taxes, homeowners insurance, condo dues, and maintenance costs. And if your child plans on having roommates, you may want to add an umbrella liability policy to your homeowners insurance to protect you now that you're a landlord.

Will you come out ahead in the end? The rate of housing appreciation varies by geographic area, so research the location you're targeting. And don't forget to factor in a broker's commission when you sell the property.

The Right Mortgage Loan: For long-term real estate ownership, it often makes sense to choose the certainty of a fixed-rate mortgage. But for short-term real estate ownership, a three- or five-year adjustable-rate mortgage may make more financial sense because the lower initial interest rate translates into a lower monthly payment. But be aware that if housing prices drop before you can sell the property, you may end up owing more than the house is worth--a situation you want to avoid.
Tax Benefits: You may be able to deduct mortgage interest and property taxes on a second property; however, the IRS limits the amount of itemized deductions high-income taxpayers can take. In addition, if rent is collected, rental property rules will apply: rent you receive will be considered income, and you'll be entitled to claim some expenses as business deductions. But second homes and rental property aren't eligible for the $250,000 per person exclusion that you get when you sell your primary residence. To learn more, consult a tax professional.

For Condo / HO6 Insurance Quotes Please Contact Jason Shroot at 714-988-3325