Saturday, July 23, 2011

Do You Know Your Evacuation Plan?

Ten Minutes...Until Evacuation

Community and neighborhood evacuations are more common than you might think. A wildfire, hurricane, tornado, mudslide, toxic industrial accident or other imminent disaster could force you to leave your home—in some cases, within minutes of the evacuation order.

Knowing what to do and what to take with you should the order come can help you preserve your most important possessions.
Plan It Out.

1. Discuss an evacuation plan with members of your household well in advance of an emergency. Ask everyone to make a list of items they consider essential to bring and then prioritize.
2. Prepare a box with essential documents such as birth certificates, insurance records, passports, tax returns, wills and cherished photographs. Be sure to place this box in a secure location, such as a fireproof safe.
3. Create or update a home inventory list to accurately record your possessions and add the list to your essential document box.

•Plan your escape routes. Choose more than one route, going in different directions, as some streets may be blocked off.
•Choose a meet-up place for family members should an evacuation order come when you’re not together.
•If you have some advance warning, fill your car’s gas tank and keep it topped off. Keep some cash on hand too—ATMs may not be operable in a disaster.

Pack It Up.

For efficiency and speed, divide packing duties among household members. The Insurance Information Institute and the Department of Homeland Security offer suggestions for items to bring if you have only minutes to pack:

•Your prepared document box
•Prescriptions, first aid supplies, basic toiletries
•Computers or laptops
•Clothing for three days
•Comfort items, such as a child’s blanket or stuffed animal
•Pet supplies, including food, medicine, toys, vaccination records and a leash or carrier
•Bottled water
•Flashlight, battery-powered radio, extra batteries

To learn how to be prepared in the event of a natural disaster please visit the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) for a detailed preparedness plan.

Your Local Insurance Agent - Jason Shroot Can Be Found By Calling 714-988-3325 or