Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Isaac Brings Wind, Rain and the 7-Year Itch to New Orleans

August 28, 2012Email ThisPrintNewslettersTweetArticleCommentsFor New Orleans, Tuesday morning brought an all-too-familiar dilemma: to flee or not to flee. With Hurricane Isaac bearing down on the city, residents scrambled to either leave the low-lying city or gather supplies to weather the storm.

With no mandatory evacuation orders in place for New Orleans’ 360,000 residents, streets were largely quiet. Traffic along Interstate 10 ran smoothly, despite predictions that both sides of the busy thoroughfare would be needed to accommodate motorists scrambling to leave the city.

Thousands of people, including many from low-lying parishes outside the city’s $15 billion flood protection system, decided not to take their chances with Isaac, a massive, slow-moving Category 1 hurricane expected to strike the Louisiana coast early on Wednesday.

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