Sunday, September 23, 2012

No Surprise, I-35 Tops List of Texas’ 100 Most Congested Roadways

September 21, 2012Email ThisPrintNewslettersTweetArticleComments

A portion of Interstate 35 that traverses Fort Worth is the most congested roadway in Texas, according to the state Department of Transportation.

Topping TxDOTs’ list of the state’s most congested roadways is a section of I-35W in Ft. Worth that caused Texas motorists to spend more than 2 million more hours traveling on a section of road that is only 3.7 miles long.

I-35 spans the country from the border with Mexico all the way to Canada. That it appears multiple times on TxDOT’s 2012 list of the 100 Most Congested Roadways likely comes as no surprise to those that travel the highway regularly.

The 100 Most Congested Roadways  illustrates the severity and extent of the Lone Star State’s traffic problem, TxDOT says. Results show 40 percent of the delay encountered by drivers takes place in the top 20 roadways on the list. Additionally, the total delay in hours

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