Saturday, December 22, 2012

A Holiday Message From Touro Law

What can you get a prospective law student who has everything? How about a free application to Touro Law.

I’m assuming of course, that you’re getting gifts for people you hate. If you like this prospective law student, you should get them the gift of a slap upside their head whenever they talk about taking the LSAT.

Anyway, back to Touro. The Dean of the Law School, Patricia Salkin, sent an interesting message to Touro alums this holiday season. She asked them to “share their stories” with students who are still on the fence about going to law school.

Yes, Touro grads, by all means, share your cautionary stories with people who can still pull themselves back from the law school precipice….

Touro has a bit of a reputation problem. They have low standards of admission, charge tons of money, and their graduates have trouble getting jobs.

In response to this, the Touro dean is telling alumni to go home this holiday season and “tell their story.” Here’s part of her letter to alumni:

You may have the opportunity now or in the near future to speak with people who are considering a legal education. We know that when our alumni tell their

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