Stephen O’NealI later found out that during this whole period of time… when I was being romanced by Citibank, that they had reason to believe — in fact, they knew — that Howrey was in default of material covenants, and they didn’t tell me that.– Stephen O’Neal, a former partner of Howrey LLP, in a deposition in his pending litigation against Citibank. O’Neal and another former Howrey partner, David Buoncristiani, allege that Citibank committed fraud by encouraging them to finance their capital contributions with Citi, claiming that Howrey was financially sound when the bank knew Howrey wasn’t. 0 Comments
Tags: Biglaw, Capital Contributions, Citi, Citibank, Citigroup, David Buoncristiani, Debt, Debts, Depositions, Howrey, Howrey like dem apples, Howrey LLP, Loans, Money, Partner Issues, Partners With Issues, Quote of the Day, Stephen O'Neal, Stephen V. O'Neal, Steve O'Neal Partners have issues.
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