Thursday, February 14, 2013

Time For Our Semiannual Reminder To Law Professors to SUBMIT YOUR GRADES ALREADY

We talk about this twice a year. Sorry, I should say we are forced to talk about this twice a year. Every year. Because every semester, there are law professors out there who refuse to submit grades in a timely fashion.

I don’t know why. Professors have to work like nine or 12 hours a week, maybe eight months a year, and write a final exam and grade it. That’s what the students are paying them for. The rest, the research, scholarship, whatever glad handing they do on their path to tenure, is something they can do on their own time. On the student’s dime, they have to lecture, write exams, and grade them.


I don’t know the answer to that question. I may never know. Last semester, Columbia Law School threatened to fine professors who handed in late grades.

Columbia’s plan seems to be working, so maybe other New York area schools should give it a try….

Today’s adventure in late grading is brought to you by Fordham School of Law. Spring semester has already started there, but there are still students waiting for their fall semester grades. A tipster explains:

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